What are some of the requirements for entering?
-Those desiring to enter must be at least 17 years old, have their high school diploma, be of good health, and have the ability to live community life.
How long is the formation process?
-Ordinarily, postulancy is from 1-2 years. The novitiate lasts for 2 years. Afterwards a Sister makes her request to profess vows. Temporary profession lasts at least 6 years, followed by perpetual profession of vows, if both the individual Sister and the community discern that this is God’s will.
“Oh take me into your school my beloved Master, for I want so much to learn from you. Grant me grace and strength for this.”
-Blessed Pauline
Can you ever visit your family?
-Yes, we are able to visit our family at different times throughout the year. We are grateful to God for the gift of our vocations that were often nourished by our families.
What work do the Sisters do?
-The Sisters of Christian Charity are involved in a variety of apostolates. Some serve in education as teachers, principals, classroom aides, and school counselors. Other Sisters serve in healthcare as nurse-practitioners, nurses, aides, and various other forms of healthcare. There are Sisters who work in retreat ministry, spiritual direction, parish ministry, and social concerns.
“Whatever our ministry it is to be rooted in a distinctive charity that is the fruit of a contemplative, eucharistic lifestyle.”
-SCC Constitutions
Do the Sisters live in community?
-“Living in community is essential for us as religious. Our community living is not an end in itself, but serves the mission of Christ.” (-SCC Constitutions). We live in local convent communities which share meals, prayer, and recreation together in such a way that supports both the needs of community and the mission of Christ.
Where do the Sisters live and serve?
-Our Sisters in the United States serve throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. We also have communities in New York and Ohio.
What advice is there if I think I have a vocation?
-Pray! A vocation is a call from God, and God often confirms this call through signs, most often a peaceful heart. Take time to share with a spiritual director or mentor about your thoughts and desires to pursue a religious vocation, and then be not afraid to schedule a visit to come and see.
If your question wasn’t answered here, and you would still like to know more about a vocation as a Sister of Christian Charity, consider joining our online group HEART or visiting us for a discernment retreat. Email the vocation director for more information.