The Sisters of Christian Charity and the Companions of Pauline mutually share in a relationship of prayer and spiritual support.
The Companions of Pauline
pray for the intentions of the SCC Congregation, its members and ministries, and other Companions of Pauline
share prayer opportunities for spiritual growth with the community and with other Companions
share their gifts and expertise with the Congregation
strive to make God more deeply known and loved by others and self in the spirit of Blessed Pauline and through the charism and spirit of the Sisters of Christian Charity.
Sisters of Christian Charity
pray for the intentions of the Companions of Pauline
accompany each Companion in their faith journey
offer opportunities for involvement in accord with the giftedness, talents, present lifestyle, responsibilities and availability of each Companion
send appropriate communications to the Companions of Pauline and provide visible symbols of their deepening relationship.