Pauline von Mallinckrodt was born on June 3, 1817 in Minden, Germany. Her father, Detmar, was of the Lutheran faith and held positions in the German government. Her mother, Bernardine, was Catholic and proved to be a loving wife and mother. Pauline’s parents provided an excellent education for their four children and afforded them wonderful traveling experiences throughout Europe.
Pauline’s love for the poor and those in need began at an early age. Picking up pieces of broken glass from the streets so that poor children without shoes would not cut their feet and sharing her allowance with the poor and needy were signs that this child born into an aristocratic family would not allow social status, prestige, power and wealth to deter her from serving Christ in each person, and easing the lot of those less fortunate. Grief entered the hearts of the Mallinckrodt family when Pauline’s mother died in 1834. Pauline was just 17 years of age and now had the responsibility for her two younger brothers, George and Hermann, and her sister Bertha.